Employer Certificate for Agaplesion Bethanien Diakonie gGmbH

Employer Certificate for Agaplesion Bethanien Diakonie gGmbH
Experiences and ratings of employees and applicants

No. 1b47a467-f52a-427b-ba94-592a013f4112
Certified employer
Meets the softgarden quality criteria. All ratings conducted by real applicants
Job application experience
Simple application process, Fast response, detailed application status
Safe process
Meets the german data privacy regulations with servers located in Germany

Agaplesion Bethanien Diakonie gGmbH as an employer: 739 experiences and ratings of employees and applicants


Excellent (487)
Very good (185)
Good (42)
Adequate (10)
bad (14)


Freundlich und professionell
Der Kontakt mit dem Recruiter war von Anfang bis Ende freundlich und wohlwollend.
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Bewerbung schnell antwortet
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Das Gespräch wurde in einer entspannten Atmosphäre perfekt geführt. Und der Empfang war fantastisch
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Fliesendes und angenehmes Gespräch mit Frau (Anonym).
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Mein Interview war so schön und freundlich
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Super Arbeitsgeber
-gutes Arbeitsklima - wertschätzend - nette Kollegen und Vorgesetzte - sehr kollegial
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
"Ausgezeichnetes Gespräch mit motivierendem Feedback"
Titel für die Bewertung: "Ausgezeichnetes Gespräch mit motivierendem Feedback" Zusammenfassendes Feedback: "Das virtuelle Kennenlernen war hervorragend! Die Atmosphäre war freundlich und professionell, und das Feedback am Ende war sehr konstruktiv und motivierend. Ich habe ein klares Verständnis davon bekommen, was mich als Azubi erwartet, und fühle mich durch die offene Kommunikation bestärkt, ein Teil des Teams zu werden. Alles war perfekt organisiert – ich könnte mir nichts Besseres wünschen!"
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Overall score :
Very good


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Professionell und Sympathisch
Ich habe mich das ganze Gespräche über sehr wohl und gut aufgehoben und auch gut abgeholt gefühlt. Es war sehr transparent, es blieben keine Fragen offen. Unglaublich angenehmes und sympathisches Gespräch.
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Sehr freundlich, aber…..
Das Gespräch war sehr angenehm, tolle Ansprechpartnerin! Aber leider war es nach dem Motto: „Nepper, Schlepper, Bauernfänger“ In der Stellenausschreibungen wird mit einem Gehalt geködert, welches nicht der Wahrheit entspricht. Auf Nachfrage erhielt ich die Antwort, dass die Zuschläge bereits eingerecht seien. In dem Text liest es sich jedoch anders. Ich verstehe nicht, wie dies funktionieren soll, denn die Arbeitszeiten/-tage sind unterschiedlich und somit doch auch die Zuschläge!!! Schade, bin enttäuscht. Hätte ich von einem diakonischem Träger nicht erwartet!
Overall score :
Very good


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview