Employer Certificate for Kalkhoff Werke GmbH

Employer Certificate for Kalkhoff Werke GmbH
Experiences and ratings of employees and applicants

No. 32e13bbd-42bd-4755-9130-2f26dc223a5c
Certified employer
Meets the softgarden quality criteria. All ratings conducted by real applicants
Job application experience
Simple application process, Fast response, detailed application status
Safe process
Meets the german data privacy regulations with servers located in Germany

Kalkhoff Werke GmbH as an employer: 382 experiences and ratings of employees and applicants


Excellent (245)
Very good (109)
Good (19)
Adequate (5)
bad (4)


Ausbildung zum Industriekaufmann (m.w.d)
- alles war super. - keine negativen Aspekte
Overall score :
Very good


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Ich wurde sehr freundlich begrüßt und ich habe mich direkt wohl gefühlt. Interessant fand ich es, dass auch die Azubis das Vorstellung führen durften.
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
1. Vorstellungsgespräch
Insgesamt bin ich mit dem Bewerbungsprozess sehr zufrieden. Die Rückmeldung auf die Bewerbung erfolgte zeitnah und das gesamte Auftreten der Firma war sehr professionell und freundlich. Ich wurde zu einem ersten Gespräch in die Firma eingeladen und auch dort bestätigte sich der positive Eindruck. Nach dem Gespräch wurde klar kommuniziert wie der weitere Bewerbungsprozess aussieht und wie es weitergeht. Ich hätte mir nur gewünscht, dass die Aufforderung zur Bewertung später gesendet wird, da der Bewerbungsprozess aktuell noch nicht abgeschlossen ist und man so nur einen Teil bewerten kann.
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Kennenlerngespräch auf Augenhöhe und nahbar!
Overall score :
Very good


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Sehr bodenständig
Pro: - sehr verständnisvoll - bodenständig im Umgang mit Bewerber/in - Sympathisch Contra: - mangelhafte Soundqualität
Overall score :
Very good


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Sehr gut
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Sehr gut
Sehr freundlich
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Angenehmes Vorstellungsgespräch
Es war eine angenehme, verständnisvolle Atmosphäre während des Gespräch. In der Form, online, hatte ich noch kein Vorstellungsgespräch. Ich finde den persönlichen Kontakt angenehme, aber habe mich aber trotzdem wohlgefühlt.
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Praktikum und Ausbildung als Industriekaufmann
Overall score :
Very good


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Ein guter erster Eindruck
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Schönes konstruktives Gespräch
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview