Employer Certificate for KYOCERA AVX Components Europe Group

Employer Certificate for KYOCERA AVX Components Europe Group
Experiences and ratings of employees and applicants

No. 076f5ba7-1dc2-472f-b882-7a0d56c95866
Certified employer
Meets the softgarden quality criteria. All ratings conducted by real applicants
Job application experience
Simple application process, Fast response, detailed application status
Safe process
Meets the german data privacy regulations with servers located in Germany

KYOCERA AVX Components Europe Group as an employer: 199 experiences and ratings of employees and applicants


Excellent (157)
Very good (31)
Good (4)
Adequate (6)
bad (1)


Leiter Konstruktion
Sehr professionell und strukturiert. Top!
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Sehr angenehmes Bewerbungsgespräch, sehr Interressantes Produkt und Unternehmen.
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Bewerbung als Entwicklungsingenieur
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Simple and concrete process of interview
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
“Ein wertschätzendes Gespräch bei Kyocera AVX – ein Unternehmen mit positiver Atmosphäre”
Rezension über Kyocera AVX Kürzlich hatte ich ein Bewerbungsgespräch bei Kyocera AVX, einem Unternehmen aus der Halbleiterbranche. Das Gespräch fand in einer Runde mit fünf Personen statt: Zwei Vertreter aus der HR-Abteilung, zwei aus der Fachabteilung und mir. Trotz der größeren Gruppe war die Atmosphäre durchweg angenehm und wertschätzend. Alle vier Gesprächspartner waren äußerst sympathisch, offen und professionell, was das Gespräch sehr angenehm machte. Diese positive Erfahrung hat mir gezeigt, wie wichtig Kyocera AVX ein respektvolles Miteinander und eine klare Kommunikation sind. Ich habe den Eindruck gewonnen, dass dies genau die richtige Firma für meine berufliche Zukunft sein könnte. Vielen Dank an das gesamte Team für dieses tolle Gespräch!
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
es war sehr angenehm und nett verständnisvoll
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Gutes und respektvolles Gespräch
Teilnehmende waren aufmerksam Auf Rückfragen wurde ausführlich geantwortet Über ein Feedback würde ich mich freuen
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Bewerbungsstatus steht noch nicht fest
Das Bewerbungsgespräch fand online in einer angenehmen Atmosphäre statt. Die Zusendung der Bewertungsanfrage lässt mich jedoch befürchten, dass ich nicht weiter berücksichtigt werde, da die Bewertung auch Fragen enthält, die nach Beendigung des Prozesses gestellt werden. Deshalb fände ich es gut, wenn diese Bewertungen erst nach Erhalt der Zu-/Absage versendet werden würden.
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
So stelle ich ,je ein Bewerbungsgespräch vor
Angenehme und freundliche Gesprächspartner.
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Gut strukturierter Bewerbungsprozess
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Product Line Director
Guter Austausch Informativ und angenehm Erstes Feedback schon am Ende des Gesprächs
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Bewerbung zur Ausbildung zum Mechatroniker
Das Umgehen mit mir war auf der gleichen Augenhöhe und sehr freundlich/locker.
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview