Employer Certificate for MT Systems

Employer Certificate for MT Systems
Experiences and ratings of employees and applicants

No. 231c3066-294e-4f86-a742-b1c4a1617ff8
Certified employer
Meets the softgarden quality criteria. All ratings conducted by real applicants
Job application experience
Simple application process, Fast response, detailed application status
Safe process
Meets the german data privacy regulations with servers located in Germany

MT Systems as an employer: 131 experiences and ratings of employees and applicants


Excellent (105)
Very good (19)
Good (4)
Adequate (0)
bad (3)


Gute Firma
Die Arbeitszeiten sind sehr gut, und das helfen unter den Mitarbeiter sind super
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Overall score :
Very good


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Danke für den herzlichen Empfang und die Kommunikation.
Es war ein sehr reibungsloses und professionelles Job-Meeting. Ich danke allen Mitarbeitern für ihren herzlichen Empfang und erwarte den nachhaltigen Erfolg des Unternehmens dank seiner Ernsthaftigkeit und seines Respekts. Vielen Dank
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Sehr Professionell und locker
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Kein Gespräch stattgefunden
Es hat kein Bewerbungsgespräch stattgefunden, da die Beauftragte anscheinend zu beschäftigt ist. Am Anfang wurde es mitgeteilt, dass der Termin verschoben wird, nach 5 Tagen wurde ich immer noch nicht kontaktiert. Darum richtet sich mein Feedback nicht direkt ans Gespräch in sich, sondern an allgemeines Bild des Unternehmens für eine Person, die beworben hat und das Unternehmen, ihre Seriosität und Professionalität nach ihren Taten urteilt.
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Professional and pleasant application process
What is good: Quick and efficient response prior to the interview, enabling good preparation. Transparent process aligned with expectations. Friendly and respectful atmosphere throughout the interview. Clear and detailed presentation of the company, providing a good understanding of its operations and values. A well-organized and positive overall experience.
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Man wird freundlich empfangen und die Nervosität wird einen genommen.
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Bestes Gespräch bis jetzt
Der Bewerbungsprozess wird im Vorhinein transparent dargestellt und auch genau so umgesetzt. Man bekommt eine schnelle Rückmeldung als Bewerber. Das Unternehmen und seine Philosophie wird im Gespräch gut, dabei nicht den Rahmen sprengend erläutert. Super angenehme und lockere Atmosphäre beim Vorstellungsgespräch, die Ich so noch nicht erlebt, dabei jedoch trotzdem als Seriös wahrgenommen habe. Ein wird ein kurzes Feedback zu den eingereichten Unterlagen gegeben, dies könnte Umfangreicher ausfallen wirkte aber keinesfalls Desinteressiert an meiner Person. Insgesamt gab es keine Situation im Vorstellungsgespräch die ich im Nachhinein verändern oder Kritisieren würde.
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Super excellent
Excellent HR
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview