Employer Certificate for OM Digital Solutions GmbH

Employer Certificate for OM Digital Solutions GmbH
Experiences and ratings of employees and applicants

No. 20ec25fb-df62-4579-9917-e3b8c543b02d
Certified employer
Meets the softgarden quality criteria. All ratings conducted by real applicants
Job application experience
Simple application process, Fast response, detailed application status
Safe process
Meets the german data privacy regulations with servers located in Germany

OM Digital Solutions GmbH as an employer: 34 experiences and ratings of employees and applicants


Excellent (28)
Very good (3)
Good (2)
Adequate (1)
bad (0)


Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Very good
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Proceso de selección puede mejorar
El proceso de selección ha sido largo, aproximadamente un mes. Aunque la persona de RR.HH acordó unas fechas de respuesta después de cada una de las 3 entrevistas realizadas, no se ha cumplido. Dejando un tiempo prudencial de unos días, he tenido que contactar con ellos para obtener una respuesta y saber en qué punto del proceso me encontraba. Por otro lado, considero inoportuna la pregunta referente a mi estado civil en una de las entrevistas que tuve con un miembro del equipo al que hubiera pertenecido en caso de haber obtenido el puesto. Por lo demás, agradezco la respuesta a mis preguntas.
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Excellent Feedback
The interview had a friendly atmosphere. Everything was well explained and the process was very professional and transparent.
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Ser tratado como um candidato valorizado
Overall score :
Very good


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Super HR
Overall score :
Very good


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Muy Buena entrevista
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Great professional approach
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Buena atención, buen trato.
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Merci pour votre disponibilité
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview
Nice experience
Overall score :


Satisfying reaction prior to the interview
Fast reply prior to the interview
Transparent process as expected and promised
Well prepared contact person and professional interview
Good and thorough presentation of the company at the interview
Friendly atmosphere throughout the interview
Treated as a valued candidate at the interview
Helpful and constructive feedback at the end of the interview
Further steps are explained at the end of the interview